“Experience Design as a discipline is so new that its very definition is in flux”, wrote Nathan Shedroff in his introduction to Experience Design 1 (Shedroff, 2001). In the foreword of the 2011 edition of their book The Experience Economy – the original publication of which in 1999 had initially started off the Experience Design-discourse – Joseph Pine and James Gilmore lament their very similar observation: “Although the book [Experience Economy, 1999] has since been published in fifteen languages and purchased by more than three hundred thousand people worldwide, the book’s thesis has not sufficiently penetrated the minds of enough business leaders (and policy makers) to give bloom to a truly new – and desperately needed – economic order.” (Pine & Gilmore, 2011).
The MVA (Experience Design) took on the challenge to develop its own hybrid studio practices and interdisciplinary research methodologies, looking beyond the traditional boundaries of art and design, into technology development, philosophical systems, economic theory, simple everyday life and more to relate the theory and practice of designing experiences to a coherent framework. The MVA (Experience Design) of AVA thus was at the forefront of academically and professionally developing a new, exciting and meaningful new Experience Design.
The MVA (Experience Design) was offered by AVA from September 2011 to August 2016 on its Hong Kong campus, and from September 2013 to August 2016 at its Shenzhen campus.
You may find more information – especially many of student work examples – at the Programme homepage.