I taught this elective studio course for the BA (Hons) in Visual Arts once in 2007/08, and then again in 2015/16 and 20016/17.
Extract from the course syllabus:
“Wearables are artefacts worn on the human body, enhancing a given feature of the body or creating an entirely new interface for interaction, thus extending the traditional function of clothing into new artistic or functional areas. It is the aim of this course to introduce students to materials, processes and techniques necessary to be working in this field, which interprets the human body as an interface for creative expression.
Accordingly the course covers basic techniques for designing with textiles, pattern making and pattern alteration, which enable learners to develop creative concepts into wearable designs. In its second part the course also introduces a variety of more decorative techniques, intended to enhance students’ options for expressing their ideas through wearable artefacts.”
‘Paper Bride’ by Tam Chung-Yan, Esther (2016/17) ‘Harlequin’ by Vanessa Ip (2016/17) ‘Scarf Dress’ by Cheung Pak-Ki, Kara (2016/17) Wearables-class of 2015/16 by Chan Hiu-Kwan, Xanthe (2016/17) ‘Hard Hat’ by Ho Wai-Leung, Shawn (2007/08) ‘Convertible’ by Luo Yilin, Elaine (2015/16) ‘No Shark Fin’ by Chow Wan-Yuet, Cassie (2015/16) Wearables-class of 2007/08